What is Orchestrator?

Orchestrator is tool that allows developers to take full advantage of composer for your MODX Revolution 2.* development workflow. Orchestrator includes Blend. Blend allows you to create and run migrations. Migrations can be testable deployment scripts. Orchestrator also provides a way to install and require traditional MODX Extras via CLI commands and migrations.

What does Orchestrator do for developers and site builders?

Orchestrator was created to fill a gap between developing packages in MODX that are able to take advantage of composer features like autoload. It also provides better interoperability between packages and attempts to get close to allowing a full CI/CD workflow for MODX. As Orchestrator packages can have install and update processes automated with custom migrations. While also allowing to create a more easily testable code base with tools like PHPUnit.

Orchestrator also allows developers to easily extend and create custom Symfony Console commands that will all be accessible form within one tool, Orchestrator.

Getting Started