Getting Started


Basic installation steps

If you have not installed MODX and composer do so now before proceeding.

The basic step follows the directory structure of a basic install of MODX. All examples will be based on running MODX on a MODXCloud instance.

  1. Open up your command line tool into the MODX core directory like so:
     cd /www/core/  
  2. Create an empty .env file, this can be used for configurations later on
     touch .env   
  3. Run the composer command to install
     composer require lci/orchestrator
  4. Now run the installation command
     php vendor/bin/orchestrator orchestrator:install

That’s it! Orchestrator is now installed, to verify run the command:

php vendor/bin/orchestrator

And you should see something like this: Orchestrator installed!

What does Orchestrator install into MODX?

See Install for complete details

  1. Blend package
  2. MODX namespace orchestrator
    Used to tie all system settings to the Orchestrator project.
  3. Media source orchestrator
    The media source can be used for all extended projects allowing to create all elements as static. If the elements have been set to static for future updates those elements do not need to be updated via a Blend Migration. But if they are not static then each change to an element would need to be in noted the related update Blend Migration.
  4. Plugin requireComposerAutoloader this will be loaded on the MODX OnInitCulture event. Now all Snippets/Plugins can use the composer autoloader.
  5. System setting orchestrator.vendor_path
    Used in the requireComposerAutoloader plugin to map to the correct autoloader file

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