
Below is a list of a few Orchestrator packages that can be installed via composer.

  • ImageHelper is a simple extra to scale, fit, pad or encode your images to an exact size. Can be used as a snippet or output filter.
  • MenuBuilder is easy way to build HTML navigation menus. MenuBuilder is an alternative/replacement for the Wayfinder extra.
  • MODX-Slim allows you to use Slim along side of your MODX 2.* project. Slim makes REST easy!
  • QRBuilder is a CMP for MODX Revolution. It allows users to easily build customer QR codes in the MODX Manager and then download as either a png or svg. These QR Codes have simple counter stats within the MODX Manager. It also allows and builds into the URL parameters for Analytics, like Google, Matomo or similar. It will build a short URL like*123
  • Stockpile is a plugin for MODX Revolution that caches on save. Also provides a snippet, getStockpile to get resource from cache, no DB/xPDO queries. Saves all fields and TV values to cache. It can also save resources as static. Similar to the StatCache extra.

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